Looking Inward
The first reading from Sirach for today’s liturgy is short (Sir 27:4-7), short but with a pithy message, a message we should never forget, a message that should quickly cause
We are pleased to announce that Sister Gertrude’s book, Cardinal Basil Hume: A Pilgrim’s Search for God (Gracewing, 2019) is now available in Dutch and French. The Dutch edition is under the title, Kardinaal Basil Hume: Een Pelgrim Die God Zoekt (halewijn/Adveniat, 2020); the French edition, Cardinal Basil Hume: Un pèlerin à la recherche de […]
The first reading from Sirach for today’s liturgy is short (Sir 27:4-7), short but with a pithy message, a message we should never forget, a message that should quickly cause
Monastery Lentils A popular Guest House recipe that is vegan, easy to make and packed with flavor. Recipe calls for dry herbs – but use fresh for extra flavor. Serve
Ash Wednesday begins the great season of Lent. It is a time to take stock of our lives and relationships with God, self, and community: a time to go to