Now Is the Day of Salvation
We began Lent with the imposition of ashes on our forehead. A profound ritual reminding us of the mystery that we are living: our birth, death, and the entrance into
Chapter Talk – August 23, 2020 – St. Bernard What is the ‘interior eye’? In the gospels of Matthew and Luke we have this pithy saying by Jesus: “The lamp of the body is the eye. It follows if your eye is sound, your whole body will be filled with light” (Mt 6:23). What is […]
Fourth Sunday of LentI like to begin with the last sentence from the gospel of this Sunday and then move to the beginning two sentences of the same gospel. The last sentence reads: ‘Whoever lives the truth comes to the light, so that his or her works may be clearly seen as done in God’ […]
We began Lent with the imposition of ashes on our forehead. A profound ritual reminding us of the mystery that we are living: our birth, death, and the entrance into
Monastery Lentils A popular Guest House recipe that is vegan, easy to make and packed with flavor. Recipe calls for dry herbs – but use fresh for extra flavor. Serve
Ash Wednesday begins the great season of Lent. It is a time to take stock of our lives and relationships with God, self, and community: a time to go to