Blessed are You
“What if the Beatitudes weren’t just comforting words, but a blueprint for a way of life”, writes Sr. Joan Chittister. A blueprint for life…A Divine blueprint stamped upon our heart…A
Chapter Talk – 28th Sunday of the Year – October 10, 2021 – cycle-B Within the ‘love command’ of God there is a ‘demand’…the demand is to ‘sell all’. This ‘demand’ to sell all is not easy…still ‘with God all things are possible’. It seems that ‘virtue’ is not enough, that is the virtuous living […]
Chapter Talk – Second Sunday of the Year – January 17, 2021, cycle-B The theme of ‘call’ is the focus of the readings for this Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. The ‘call’ of God: how do we ‘know’ God is calling us? What are the signs and movement of the heart that reveal this call? […]
We are pleased to announce that Sister Gertrude’s book, Cardinal Basil Hume: A Pilgrim’s Search for God (Gracewing, 2019) is now available in Dutch and French. The Dutch edition is under the title, Kardinaal Basil Hume: Een Pelgrim Die God Zoekt (halewijn/Adveniat, 2020); the French edition, Cardinal Basil Hume: Un pèlerin à la recherche de […]
Chapter Talk – Fourth Sunday of Easter – May 3, 2020, cycle-A I begin with these words of Thomas Merton: “Prayer itself is obedience. Our deepest obedience takes place when we pray. Prayer is an act of surrender; it is essentially an act of surrender to God’s love” (quoted in: Shaped By the End You […]
This year two monks from New Clairvaux Abbey in Vina California, Brothers Chris and Francis, will be joining Sisters Ann-Marie and Suzanne from Redwoods Abbey in the Trappist West Booth. Come and see us and be part of this amazing celebration of Faith and outpouring of the Spirit.
Thirsting for Justice was the theme of this year’s Religious Education Congress, an annual event held in the Anaheim Convention Center and sponsored by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. The Congress offered more than 300 workshops presented by 200 speakers and welcomed over 40,000 attendees during a three-day period. Various liturgies both Eucharistic and from […]
Always on the fourth Sunday of Easter we have the theme of shepherd: the Risen One who embodies the qualities of shepherd. The gospel readings for each cycle A, B, and C are taken from chapter 10 of St. John’s gospel. For us 21st century persons we don’t readily constellate towards the image of ‘shepherd’. […]
“What if the Beatitudes weren’t just comforting words, but a blueprint for a way of life”, writes Sr. Joan Chittister. A blueprint for life…A Divine blueprint stamped upon our heart…A
Monastery Lentils A popular Guest House recipe that is vegan, easy to make and packed with flavor. Recipe calls for dry herbs – but use fresh for extra flavor. Serve
This season of longing and waiting is coming to an end with the revelation of Christ in our midst. Christ comes in all humanity so that we are not frightened